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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第1部分

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The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

 The Circus Boys Across 

             The Continent 

            (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

                    Edgar B。 P。 Darlington 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

                                CHAPTER I 

                         THE BOYS HEAR GOOD NEWS 

     〃You never can guess ityou never can guess the news; Teddy;〃 cried 

Phil    Forrest;    rushing    into   the   gymnasium;       his   face   flushed     with 


     Teddy   Tucker;   clad   in   a   pair   of   linen   working   trunks   and   a   ragged; 

sleeveless shirt; both garments much the worse for their winter's wear; was 

lazily swinging a pair of Indian clubs。 

     〃What   is   it;   some   kind   of   riddle;   Phil?〃   he   questioned;   bringing   the 

clubs down to his sides。 

     〃Do be serious for a minute; won't you?〃 

     〃Me; serious?      Why; I never cracked a smile。          Isn't anything to smile 

at。   Besides; do you   know; since  I've been   in the  circus business;  every 

time I want to laugh I check myself so suddenly that it hurts?〃 

     〃How's that?〃 

     〃Because I think I've still got my makeup on and that I'll crack it if I 


     〃What; your face?〃 

     〃My     face?   No!     My     makeup。      By    the  time   I  remember      that  I 

haven't any makeup on I've usually forgotten what it was I wanted to laugh 

about。    Then I don't laugh。〃 

     Teddy shied an Indian club at a rat that was scurrying across the far 

end of their gymnasium; missing him by half the width of the building。 

     〃If   you   don't   care;   of   course   I   shan't   tell   you。 But   it's   good   news; 

Teddy。     You would say so if you knew it。〃 

     〃What   news?      Haven't   heard   anything   that   sounds   like   news;〃   his 

eyes fixed on the hole into which the rat had disappeared。 

     〃You can't guess where we are going this summer?〃 

     〃Going?      Don't   have   to   guess。  I   know;〃   answered   the   lad   with   an 

emphasizing nod。 

     〃Where do you think?〃 

     〃We're going out with the Great Sparling bined Shows; of course。 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

Didn't   we   sign   out   for   the   season   before   we   closed   with   the   show   last 


     〃Yes; yes; but where?〃 urged Phil; showing him the letter he had just 

brought from the post office。         〃You couldn't guess if you tried。〃 

     〃No。     Never was a good guesser。           That letter from Mr。 Sparling?〃 he 

questioned; as his eyes caught the familiar red and gold heading used by 

the owner of the show。 


     〃What's he want?〃 

     〃You   know   I   wrote   to   him   asking   that   we   be   allowed   to   skip   the 

rehearsals before the show starts out; so that we could stay here and take 

our school examinations?〃 

     Teddy nodded。 

     〃I'd rather join the show;〃 he grumbled。 

     〃Never did see anything about school to go crazy over。〃 

     〃You'll thank me someday for keeping you at it;〃 said Phil。 〃See how 

well you have done this winter with your school work。 I'm proud of you。 

Why; Teddy; there are lots of the boys a long way behind you。                  They can't 

say circus boys don't know anything just because they perform in a circus 


     〃H…m…m…m!〃 mused Teddy。              〃You haven't told me   yet where we are 

going this summer。         What's the route?〃 

     〃Mr。 Sparling says that; as we are going to continue our last year's acts 

this season; there will be no necessity for rehearsals。〃 

     The   announcement   did   not   appear   to   have   filled   Teddy  Tucker   with 


     〃We do the flying rings again; then?〃 

     〃Yes。     And we shall be able to give a performance that will surprise 

Mr。   Sparling。     Our   winter's   practicing   has   done   a   lot   for   us;   as   has   our 

winter at school。〃 

     〃Oh; I don't know。〃 

     〃You probably will ride the educated mule again; while I expect to ride 

the elephant Emperor in the grand entry; as I did before。 I'll be glad to get 

under the big top again; with the noise and the people; the music of the 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

band and all that。      Won't you; Teddy?〃 questioned Phil; his eyes glowing 

at the picture he had drawn。 

     Teddy heaved a deep sigh。 

     〃Quit it!〃 


     〃 'Cause you make me think I'm there now。〃 

    Phil laughed softly。 

     〃I can see myself riding the educated mule this very minute; kicking 

up the dust of the ring; making everybody get out of the way; and〃 

     〃And falling off;〃 laughed Phil。        〃You certainly are the most finished 

artist in the show when it es to getting into trouble。〃 

     〃Yes; I seem to keep things going;〃 grinned the lad。 

     〃But I haven't told you all that Mr。 Sparling says in the letter。〃 

     〃What else does he say?〃 

     〃That   the   show   is   to   start   from   its   winter   quarters;   just   outside   of 

Germantown; Pennsylvania; on April twenty…second〃 

     〃Let's see; just two weeks from today;〃 nodded Teddy。 


     〃I wish it was today。〃 

     〃He says we are to report on the twenty…first; as the show leaves early 

in the evening。〃 

     〃Where do we show first?〃 

     〃Atlantic City。    Then we take in the Jersey Coast towns〃 

     〃Do we go to New York?〃 

     〃New York?       Oh; no!     The show isn't big enough for New York quite 

yet; even if it is a railroad show now。       We've got to grow some before that。 

Mighty few  shows are large   enough   to warrant taking   them into the   big 


     〃How do you know?〃 

     〃All the show people say that。〃 

     〃Pshaw!     I'd sure make a hit in New York with the mule。〃 

     〃Time enough for that later。        You and I will yet perform in Madison 

Square Garden。       Just put that down on your route card; Teddy Tucker。〃 

     〃Humph!      If we don't break our necks before that!            Where did you 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

say we were〃 

     〃After   leaving   New   Jersey;   we   are   to   play   through   New York   State; 

taking   in   the   big   as   well   as   the   small   towns;   and   from   Buffalo   heading 

straight     west。    Mr。     Sparling     writes   that   we    are   going    across    the 



     〃Says he's going to make the Sparling Shows known from the Atlantic 

to the Pacific〃 

     〃Across   the   continent!〃   exclaimed   Teddy   unbelievingly。   〃No;   you're 


     〃Yes; clear to the Pacific Coast。           We're going to San Francisco; too。 

What do you think of that; Teddy?〃 

     〃Great!     Wow!       Whoop!〃       howled     the   boy;  hurling    his  remaining 

Indian Club far up among the rafters of the gymnasium; whence it came 

clattering down; both lads laughing gleefully。 

     〃We're going to see the country this time; and we shan't have to sleep 

out in an open canvas wagon; either。〃 

     〃Where shall we sleep?〃 

     〃Probably in a car。〃 

     〃It won't be half so much fun;〃 objected Teddy。 

     〃I   imagine   the   life   will   be   different。 Perhaps   we   shall   not   have   so 

much fun; but we'll have the satisfaction of knowing that we are part of a 

real show。      It will mean a lot to us to be with an organiza
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