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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第15部分

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herself; it seemed; just as the horse was on the roughest part of the ring。 

He wondered if she could make it。 To him it was a risky thing to try; but 

she no doubt knew better than he what she was about。 

     The ringmaster held   up his hand as   a signal   to the   audience that the 

daring act was about to take place。 

     Phil crept a little nearer。 

     All at once the girl gracefully threw herself into the air。 He judged she 

had cleared the back of the animal by at least three feet; a high jump to 

make straight up with unbent knees。 

     But just as she was leaving the back of the horse; the animal suddenly 

stumbled; thus turning her halfway around; and for the instant taking her 

mind from her work。           Dimples already had begun to turn backward; but 

he noted that all at once she stopped turning。 

     Phil knew what that meant。           As show people term it; she had 〃frozen〃 

in   the   air。 She   was   falling;   head   first;   right   toward   the   wooden   ring 


     〃Turn!     Turn!〃 cried Phil sharply。 

     The   girl   was   powerless   to   do   so;   while   the   ringmaster;   being   on   the 

opposite side of the ring; could be of no assistance to her。 

     〃Turn!〃 shouted Phil; more loudly this time; giving a mighty spring in 

the direction of the falling woman。 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

                               CHAPTER IX 


     The   audience   had   half   risen;   believing   that   the   girl   would   surely   be 

killed。    It   did   seem   that   it   would   be   a   miracle   if   she   escaped   without 

serious injury。 

     But the Circus Boy; his every faculty centered on the task before him; 

proposed to save her if he could。 

     He sprang up on the ring curbing; stretching both hands above his head 

as far as he could reach; bracing himself with legs wide apart to meet the 


     It   is   not   an   easy   task   to   attempt   to   catch   a   person;   especially  if   that 

person be falling toward you head first。             But Phil Forrest calculated in a 

flash how he would do it。         That is; he would unless he missed。 

     It all happened in much less time than it takes to tell it; of course; and 

a moment afterwards one could not have told how it had occurred。 

     The   Circus   Boy   threw   both   hands   under   Dimples'   outstretched   arms 

with the intention of jerking her down to her feet; then springing from the 

curbing with her before both should topple over。 

     His   plan   worked   well   up   to   the   point   of   catching   her。   But   instantly 

upon doing so he realized that she was moving with such speed as to make 

it impossible for him to retain his balance。 

     Dimples was hurled into his arms with great force; bowling Phil over 

like a ninepin。      Yet; in falling; he did not lose his presence of mind。             He 

hoped fervently that he might be fortunate enough not to strike on a stake; 

of which there were many on that side of the ring。 

     〃Save yourself!〃 gasped the girl。 

     Instead; Phil held her up above him at arm's length。               When he struck 

it was full on his back; the back of his head ing in contact with the 

hard    ground     with   such   force   as  to   stun  him    almost    to  the  point   of 

unconsciousness。        As he struck he gave Dimples a little throw so that she 

cleared his body; landing on the ground beyond him。 

     The   girl   stretched   forth   her   hands   and   did   a   handspring;   once   more 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

thorough   master   of   herself;   landing   gracefully   on   her   feet。   But   Phil   had 

undoubtedly saved her life; as she well knew。 

     Without giving the slightest heed to the audience; which was howling 

its delight; Dimples ran to the fallen lad; leaning over him anxiously。 

     〃Are you hurt?〃 she begged; placing a hand on his head。 

     〃II guess not;〃 answered Phil; pulling himself together a little。                〃I'll 

get up or they'll think something is the matter with me。〃 

     〃Let me help you。〃 

     〃No; thank you;〃 he replied; brushing aside the hand she had extended 

to   him。    But    his  back   hurt   him   so   severely   that   he  could    only   with 

difficulty stand upright。 

     Phil smiled and straightened; despite the pain。 

     At    that  Dimples      grasped    him    by   the   hand;   leading     him   to   the 

concourse   facing   the   reserved   seats;   where   she   made   a   low   bow   to   the 

audience; then; throwing both arms about Phil; she gave him a hearty kiss。 

     Thunders of applause greeted this; the audience getting to its feet in its 

excitement。      Had it been possible; both the boy and Miss Dimples would 

have been borne in triumph from the ring。 

     〃e back and sit down while I finish my act;〃 she whispered。 

     〃You're not going to try that again; are you?〃 questioned Phil。 

     〃Of course I am。       You'll see what a hit it will make。〃 

     〃I saw that you came near making a hit a few moments ago;〃 answered 

the lad。 

     〃There; there; don't be sarcastic;〃 she chided; giving him a playful tap。 

〃If you feel strong enough; please help me up。〃 

     Phil did so smilingly; then he retired to his place by the center pole; 

against which he braced his aching back。 

     〃Turn after you have gotten over the rough spot;〃 he cautioned her。 

     Dimples nodded her understanding。 

     This time Phil held his breath as he saw her crouching ever so little for 

her spring。 

     Dimples   uttered   another   shrill   〃yip!〃   and   threw   herself   into   the   air 


     He saw; with keen satisfaction; that this time she was not going to miss。 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

Dimples turned in the air with wonderful grace; alighting far back on the 

broad hips of the gray horse with bird…like lightness。 

     Phil   doffed   his   hat;   and;   getting   to   his   feet;   limped   away;   with   the 

audience roaring out its applause。            They had forgotten all about the boy 

who but a few moments before had saved Little Dimples' life; and he was 

fully as well satisfied that it should be so。 

     Just as he was passing the bandstand the educated mule; with Teddy 

Tucker   on   its   back;   bolted   through   the   curtains   like   a   projectile。 The 

mule nearly ran over Phil; then brought up suddenly to launch both heels 

at him。     But the Circus Boy had seen this same mule in action before; and 

this time Phil had discreetly ducked under the bandstand。 

     Then the mule was off。 

     〃Hi…yi…yi…yip…yi!〃   howled   Teddy;   as   the   outfit   bolted   into   the   arena。 

The old hands with the show discreetly  darted for   cover when they  saw 

Teddy and his mule ing。             Like Phil Forrest; they had had experience 

with this same wild outfit before。 There was no knowing what the bucking 

mule might not do; while there was a reasonable certainty in their minds as 

to what he would do if given half a chance。 

     〃Hi!    Hi!    Look out!〃 howled Teddy as they neared the entrance to 

the menagerie tent; where a number of people were standing。 The boy saw 

that the mule had taken it into his stubborn head to enter the   menagerie 

tent; there to give an exhibition of his contrariness。 

     In they swept like a miniature whirlwind; the mule twisting this way 

and that; stopping suddenly now and then and bracing its feet in despe
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