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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第20部分

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while we are in his vicinity。        We don't want to get into any more trouble 

at least not; if we can possibly avoid it。〃 

     〃Not till Mr。 Sparling forgets about today?            Is that it?〃 

     〃I guess it is;〃 grinned Phil。 

     〃He might take it seriously?〃 

     〃He already has done that。         So be careful。〃 

     Teddy nodded。        But the lads had not yet heard the last of 〃Red〃 Larry。 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

                            CHAPTER XII 

                            THE HUMAN FOOTBALL 

     〃Ever try clowning; young man?〃 asked the Iron…Jawed Man。 

    Teddy Tucker shook his head。 

     〃Why don't you?〃 

     〃Nobody ever asked me。〃 

     〃Then you had better ask the boss to let you try it。        Tell him you want 

to be a clown and that we will take you in and put you through your paces 

until you are able to go it alone。〃 

    The show had been on the road for nearly two weeks now; and every 

department was working like a piece of well…oiled machinery。 The usual 

number of minor disasters had befallen the outfit during the first week; but 

now everything was system and method。 The animals had bee used to 

the constant moving; and to the crowds and the noise; so that their growls 

of plaint were few。 

    In that   time Teddy  and Phil had been going through   their   act   on   the 

flying rings daily; having shown great improvement since they closed with 

the   show   the   previous   fall。 Their   winter's   work   had   proved   of   great 

benefit; and Mr。 Sparling had plimented them several times lately。 

    Teddy was now devoting all his spare time to learning to somersault 

and do the leaping act from the springboard。 He could; by this time; turn a 

somersault from the board; though his landing was less certain。             Any part 

of his anatomy was liable to sustain the impact of his fall; but he fell in so 

many ludicrous positions that the other performers let it go at that; for it 

furnished them much amusement。 

    However; Teddy's unpopularity in the dressing tent had been apparent 

ever since he and the educated mule had made their sensational entry into 

that   sacred   domain;   practically   wrecking   the   place。 Teddy   and   his   pet 

had e near doing the same thing twice since; and the performers were 

beginning to believe there was method in Tucker's madness。 

    It had e to the point where the performers refused to remain in the 

dressing tent while Teddy and the mule were abroad; unless men with pike 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

poles were stationed outside to ward off the educated mule when he came 

in from the ring。       But Teddy didn't care。         The lad was interested in the 

suggestion   of   the   Iron…Jawed   Man。       Had   he   known   that   the   suggestion 

had been made after secret conference of certain of the performers; Tucker 

might have felt differently about it。          There was something in the air; but 

the Circus Boy did not know it。 

     〃What kind of clown act would you advise me to get up?〃 he asked。 

     〃Oh; you don't have to get it up。         We'll do that for you。 In fact; there is 

one act that most all clowns start with; and it will do as well as anything 

else   for   you。   You   see;   you   have   to   get   used   to   being   funny;   or   you'll 

forget yourself; and then you're of no further use as a clown。〃 

     〃Yes; I know; but what is the act?〃 

     〃What do you say; fellowsdon't you think the human football would 

fit him from the sawdust up?〃 

     〃Just the thing;〃 answered the performers thus appealed to。 

     Mr。   Miaco;   the   head   clown;   was   bending   over   his   trunk;   his   sides 

shaking with laughter; but Teddy did not happen to observe him; nor had 

he noticed that the head clown had had no part in the conversation。 

     〃The human football?〃 questioned Teddy dubiously。 


     〃What's that?〃 

     〃Oh; you dress up in funny makeup so you look like a huge ball。〃 

     〃But what do I do after I have bee a football?〃 

     〃Oh;    you    roll  around    in  the   arena;   falling   all  over   yourself    and 

everybody who happens to get in your way; you bounce up and down and 

make all sorts of funny〃 

     〃Oh; I know;〃 cried Teddy enthusiastically。             〃I saw a fellow do that in 

a show once。        He would fall on the ground on his back; then bounce up 

into the air several feet。〃 

     〃You've hit it;〃 replied a clown dryly。 

     〃I   remember   how   all   the   people   laughed   and   shouted。       I'll   bet   I'd 

make a hit doing that。〃 

     〃You would!〃 shouted the performers in chorus。 

     The show  was   playing in   Batavia;  New York; on   a   rainy  night;  with 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

rather a small house expected; so no better time could have been chosen 

for Teddy's first appearance as a clown。 

     〃Had I better speak to Mr。 Sparling about it?〃 

     〃Well; what do you think; fellows?〃 

     〃Oh; no; no!      The old man won't care。          If you make them laugh; he'll 

be tickled half to death。〃 

     〃What do you say?          Is it a go; Tucker?〃 

     〃Well; I'll think about it。〃 

     Teddy  strolled   out   in   the   paddock;   where  he   walked   up   and   down   a 

few times in the rain。        But the more he thought about the proposition; the 

more enthusiastic he grew。          He could see himself the center of attraction; 

and he could almost hear the howls of delight of the multitude。 

     〃They'll be surprised。        But I don't believe I had better go on without 

first speaking to Mr。 Sparling。          He might discharge me。 He's had his eye 

on me ever since the mule tore up the dressing tent。                But I won't tell Phil。 

I'll just give him a surprise。        How he'll laugh when he sees me and finds 

out who I am。〃 

     Thus   deciding;   the   lad   ran   through   the   tents   out   to   the   front   door; 

where   he   asked   for   Mr。  Sparling;   knowing   that   by  this   time   the   owner's 

tent   had   been   taken   down   and   packed   for   shipment;   even   if   it   were   not 

already under way on the flying squadron。 

     He   learned   that   Mr。   Sparling   was   somewhere   in   the   menagerie   tent。 

Hurrying back there; Teddy soon came upon the object of his search。                       At 

that moment he was standing in front of the cage of Wallace; the biggest 

lion in captivity; gazing at that shaggy beast thoughtfully。 

     〃Mr。 Sparling;〃 called Teddy。 

     The showman turned; shooting a sharp glance at the flushed face of the 

Circus Boy。 

     〃Well; what's wrong?〃 

     〃Nothing is wrong; sir。〃 

     〃e to kick about feed in the cook tent?〃 

     〃Oh;   no;   no;   sir!  Nothing   like   that。    I've   e   to   ask   a   favor   of 


     〃Humph!        I thought as much。        Well; what is it?〃 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

     〃II think I'd like to be a clown; sir。〃 

     〃A clown?〃 asked the showman; with elevated eyebrows。 

     〃Yes; sir。〃 

     Mr。 Sparling laughed heartily。 

     〃Why;   you're   that   already。    You   are   a   clown;   though   you   may   not 

know   it。    You've   been   a   clown   ever   since   you   wore   long   dresses;   I'll 


     〃But I want to be a real one;〃 urged Teddy。 

     〃What kind of clown?〃 

     〃I th
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