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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第24部分

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     〃Haven't decided yet。        I may think it best to leave Jupiter here with 

perhaps   the   baby   elephant   for   pany。     He   would   cut   up;   I'm   afraid; 

were I to leave him here alone。         No; I think; upon second thought; that we 

had better take him out。       It may take his mind from his troubles。〃 

     〃What   do   you   think   is   the   matter   with   him?〃   questioned   the   Circus 

Boy; regarding the beast thoughtfully。 

     〃That's    what    bothers   me。    He    has   never    acted   this  way    before。 

Usually there are some signs that I told you about once before that tells 

one an elephant is going bad。〃 

     〃You mean the tear drops that e out from the slit under the eye?〃 

     〃Yes。    There has been nothing of that sort with Jupiter。〃 

     〃He acts to me as if he had a bad stomach;〃 suggested Phil wisely。 


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         The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

     〃That's right。       That expresses it exactly。          I guess we'll have to give 

him a pill to set him straight。           But Jupiter never was much of a hand for 

pills。    He'll object if we suggest it。〃 

     〃Then don't suggest it。         Just give it to him in his food。〃 

     〃You can't fool him;〃 answered Mr。 Kennedy; with a shake of the head。 

〃He'd   smell   it   a   rod   away;   and   that   would   make   him   madder   than   ever。 

The best way is to make him open his mouth and throw the pill back as far 

as possible in his throat。〃 

     〃Have you told Mr。 Sparling?〃 

     〃No。     He doesn't like to be bothered with these little things。 He leaves 

that   all   to   me。  It's   a   guess;   though;   as   to   just   what   to   do   under   these 

conditions。       No   two   cases;   any   more   than   any   two   elephants;   are   alike 

when it es to disposition and treatment。〃 

     〃No; I suppose not。〃 

     〃Where are you going now; Phil?〃 

     〃Going back to the dressing tent to get ready for the parade。 Hope you 

do not have any trouble。〃 

     〃No; I guess   I   shan't。      I can   manage   to   hold him; and   if   I don't;  I'll 

turn Emperor loose。          He makes a first…rate policeman。〃 

     Phil hurried on to the dressing tent; for he was a little late this morning; 

for which he was not wholly to blame; considerable time having been lost 

in his interview with Mr。 Sparling。 

     In   the   hurry   of   preparation   for   the   parade;   Phil   forgot   all   about   Mr。 

Kennedy's concern over Jupiter。              But he was reminded of it again when 

he   rode   out   to   fall   in   line   with   the   procession。   Mr。   Kennedy   and   his 

charges; all well in hand; were just emerging from the menagerie tent to 

take their places for the parade。            Jupiter was among them。            He saw; too; 

that   Mr。   Kennedy   was   walking   by   Jupiter's   side;   giving   him   almost   his 

exclusive attention。 

     Phil's   place   in   the   parade   this   season   was   with   a   body   of   German 

cavalry。      He    wore     a  plumed     hat;   with   a  gaudy     uniform     and    rode   a 

handsome bay  horse;   one   of the   animals   used in the   running   race   at   the 

close   of   the   circus。   Phil   had   bee   very  proficient   on   horseback   and 

occasionally had entered the ring races; being light enough for the purpose。 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

He    had   also   kept   up  his  bareback     practice;   under   the   instruction   of 

Dimples; until he felt quite proud of his achievements。 

     Vincennes; where the show was to exhibit that day; was a large town; 

and thousands of people had turned out to view the parade which had been 

extensively advertised   as one   of the greatest   features   ever offered to the 


     〃They seem to like it;〃 grinned Phil; turning to the rider beside him。 

     〃Act as if they'd never seen a circus parade before;〃 answered the man。 

〃But wait till we get out in some of the way…back towns in the West。〃 

     〃I thought we were West now?〃 

     〃Not until we get the other side of the Mississippi; we won't be。 They 

don't    call  Indiana    West。     We'll    be   getting    there   pretty   soon;   too。 

According to the route card; we are going to make some pretty long jumps 

from this on。〃 

     〃We do not go to Chicago; do we?〃 

     〃No。    Show's not quite big enough for that town。             We go south of it; 

playing some stands in Illinois; then striking straight west。 Hello; what's 

the row up ahead there?〃 

     〃What row; I didn't see anything。〃 

     〃Something is going on up there。          See!    The line is breaking!〃 

     The part of the parade in which Phil was located was well up toward 

the elephants; the animals at that moment having turned a corner; moving 

at right angles to Phil's course。 

     〃It's the elephants!〃 cried the lad aghast。 

     〃What's happening?〃 

     〃They have broken the line!〃 

     All was confusion at the point on which the two showmen had focused 

their eyes。 

     〃It's a stampede; I do believe!〃 exclaimed Phil。            〃I wonder where Mr。 

Kennedy is?       I don't see him anywhere。〃 

     〃There!     They're ing this way。〃 

     〃What; the elephants?        Yes; that's so。     Oh; I'm afraid somebody will 

be killed。〃 

     〃If there hasn't already been;〃 growled Phil's panion。 〃I'm going to 


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         The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

get    out  of   this  while    I  have   the   chance。     I've   seen    elephants    on   the 

rampage before。〃          Saying which; the showman turned his horse and rode 

out of the line。      His example was followed by many of the others。 

     People   were   screaming   and   rushing   here   and   there;   horses   neighing; 

and the animals in the closed cages roaring in a most terrifying way。 

     Phil pulled his horse up short; undecided what to do。                    He had never 

seen a stampede before; but desperate as the situation seemed; he felt no 


     The elephants; with lowered heads; were charging straight ahead。 Now 

Phil saw that which seemed to send his heart right up into his throat。 

     Little Dimples had been riding in a gayly bedecked two…wheeled cart; 

drawn by  a   prancing   white   horse。         Dressed   in   white   from  head   to   foot; 

she looked the dainty creature that she was。 

     Dimples;   seeing   what   had   happened;   had   wheeled   her   horse   quickly 

out   of   line;   intending   to   turn   about   and   drive   back   along   the   line。   It 

would be a   race between   the white   horse and   the elephants; but she   felt 

sure she would be able to make it and turn down a side street before the 

stampeding herd reached her。 

     She might have done so; had it not been for one unforeseen incident。 

As she dashed along a rider; losing his presence of mind; if indeed; he had 

had any to lose; drove his horse directly in front of her。 The result was a 

quick collision; two struggling horses lying kicking in the dust of the street; 

and   a   white…robed   figure   lying   stretched   out   perilously   near   the   flying 


     The   force   of   the   collision   had   thrown   Little   Dimples   headlong   from 

her   seat   in   the   two   wheeled   cart;   and   there   she   lay;   half…dazed   with   the 

herd of elephants thundering down upon her。 

     Phil took in her peril in one swift glance。 

     〃She'll   be   killed!    She'll   be   killed!〃   he   cried;   all   the   color   suddenly 

leaving his face。 

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