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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第27部分

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for   years;   and   I  mean    just  what    I'm  saying。    There     is  Mr。   Sparling。 

e   on;   run   along   back   to   the   paddock   with   me。   I   haven't   finished 

talking with you yet。〃 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

     〃Perhaps he may want me;〃 hesitated Phil。 

     〃Nothing very particular。        He'll want to have it out with Mr。 Kennedy 

first。   Then; if he wants you; he can go back and hunt you up; or send for 

you。    Mr。 Sparling knows how to send for people when he wants them; 

doesn't he?〃 twinkled Dimples。 

     〃I   should   say   he   did;〃   grinned  Phil。  〃He's   not   bashful。    Has   my 

friend Teddy got back yet?〃 

     〃Haven't seen him。       Why?      Worried about him?〃 

     〃Not particularly。      He has a habit of taking care of himself under most 


     Dimples laughed heartily。 

     〃It  will   take  more    than   a  stampede     to  upset   him。   He'll    make    a 

showman if he ever settles down to the work in earnest。〃 

     〃He    has   settled  down;    Mrs。   Robinson;〃     answered     Phil   with   some 


     〃My;    my!    But    you   needn't   growl   about    it。 I   was   paying   him   a 


     Thus she chattered on until they reached the paddock。              They had been 

there    but  a  few   moments     before   the   expected    summons      for  Phil  was 



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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

                           CHAPTER XVI 

                        AN UNEXPECTED PROMOTION 

    Phil responded rather reluctantly。         He would have much preferred to 

sit out in the paddock talking circus with Little Dimples。 

    He found Mr。 Sparling striding up and down in front of the elephant 


     〃I   hope   nothing   very   serious   happened;   Mr。   Sparling;〃   greeted   Phil; 

approaching him。 

     〃If you mean damages; no。         A few people knocked down; mostly due 

to   their   own   carelessness。   I've   got   the   claim…adjuster   at   work   settling 

with   all   we   can   get   hold   of。 But   we'll   get   it   all   back   tonight;   my   boy。 

We'll have a turn…away this afternoon; too; unless I am greatly mistaken。 

Why; they're lining up outside the front door now。〃 

     〃I'm glad for both these things;〃 smiled Phil。          〃Especially so because 

no one was killed。〃 

     〃No。    But   one   of   our   bareback   riders   was   put   out   of   business   for   a 


     〃Is that so?    Who?〃 

     〃Monsieur Liebman。〃 

     〃Oh; that's too bad。     What happened to him?〃 

     〃Someone ran him down。           He was thrown and sprained his ankle。 He 

won't ride for sometime; I reckon。         But e over here and sit down。            I 

want to have a little chat with you。〃 

    Mr。 Sparling crossed the tent; sitting down on a bale of straw just back 

of the monkey cage。        The simians were chattering loudly; as if discussing 

the   exciting   incidents    of  the  morning。    But   as  soon   as  they   saw   the 

showman   they   flocked   to     the   back   of   the  cage;   hanging   by   the  bars; 

watching him to find out what he was going to do。 

    He made a place for Phil beside him。 

     〃Sit down。〃 

     〃Thank you。〃 

     〃I was   just running up in my  mind;  on my  way  back; that; in   actual 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

figures; you've saved me about ten thousand dollars。 Perhaps it might be 

double that。      But that's near enough for all practical purposes。〃 

     〃I saved you〃 marveled Phil; flushing。 



     〃Well; you began last year; and you have started off at the same   old 

pace this season。       Today you have gone and done it again。 That was one 

of the nerviest things I ever saw。          I wouldn't have given a copper cent for 

your life; and I'll bet you wouldn't; either。〃 

     〃N…o…o;〃 reflected Phil slowly; 〃I thought I was a goner。〃 

     〃While the rest of our crowd were hiking for cover; like a lot of 'cold 

feet;'   you   were   diving   right   into   the heart   of   the   trouble;  picking   up   my 

principal equestrienne。         Then you sent her away and stopped to face the 

herd of bulls。      Jumping giraffes; but it was a sight!〃 

     By   this   time   the   monkeys   had   gone   back   to   finish   their   animated 


     〃I   do   not   deserve   any  credit   for  that。 I   was   caught   and   I   thought   I 

might as well face the music。〃 

     〃Bosh!      I heard you calling for Emperor; and I knew right away that 

that   little   head   of   yours   was   working   like   the   wheels   of   a   chariot   in   a 

Roman   race。      I   knew   what   you   were   trying   to   do;   but   I'd   have   bet   a 

thousand   yards   of   canvas   you   never   would。   You   did;   though;〃   and   the 

showman sighed。 

     Phil was very much embarrassed and sat kicking his heels into the soft 

turf; wishing that Mr。 Sparling would talk about something else。 

     〃The   whole   town   is   talking   about   it。   I'm   going   to   have   the   press 

agent wire the story on ahead。            I told him; just before I came in; that if 

he'd follow you he'd get 'copy' enough to last him all the rest of his natural 

life。   All that crowd out there has e because there was a young circus 

boy with the show; who had a head on his shoulders and the pluck to back 

his gray matter。〃 

     〃Have you talked with Mr。 Kennedy?〃 asked Phil; wishing to change 

the personal trend of the conversation。 

     〃Yes; why?〃 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

     〃Did he say what he thought was the matter with Jupiter?〃 

     〃He didn't know。       He knew only that Jupiter had been 'off' for nearly 

two   days。    Kennedy  said   something   about   a   bad   stomach。  Why  do   you 

ask that question?〃 demanded the showman; with a shrewd glance at the 


     〃Because   I   have    been   wondering     about   Jupiter   quite  a  little  since 

morning。      I've been thinking; Mr。 Sparling。〃 

     〃Now what are you driving at?           You've got something in your head。 

Out with it!〃 

     〃It may sound foolish; but〃 

     〃But what?〃 

     〃While Jupiter was bad; he showed none of the signs that e from a 

fit of purely bad temperthat is; before the stampede。〃 

     〃That's right。〃 

     〃Then what brought it on?〃 asked Phil looking Mr。 Sparling squarely 

in the eyes。 

    For a few seconds man and boy looked at each other without a word。 

     〃What's your idea?〃 asked the showman quietly。 

     〃It's my opinion that somebody doctored himgave him something〃 

     The showman uttered a long; low whistle。 

     〃You've hit it!    You've hit it!〃 he exclaimed; bringing a hand down on 

the lad's knee with such force that Phil winced。 〃It's one of those rascally 

canvasmen that I discharged。         Oh; if ever I get my hands on him it will be 

a sorry day for him! You haven't seen him about; have you?〃 

     〃I thought I caught a glimpse of him on the street yesterday during the 

parade; but he disappeared so quickly that I could not be sure。〃 

    Mr。 Sparling nodded reflectively。 

     〃You probably heard how Emperor ducked him and〃 

     〃Yes; you remember I came up just after the occurrence。 I'll tell you 

what I want you to do。〃 


     〃I'll release you from the parade for tomorrow; and p
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