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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第34部分

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the hand grasping the roof timber。 The strain was too much。                  Phil Forrest 

lost his grip and fell heavily to the floor。 

     But this time he did not rise。       The lad lay still where he had fallen。 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

                            CHAPTER XX 

                            THE BARNYARD CIRCUS 

    When next Phil opened his eyes he was lying on the grass on the shady 

side of a freight car with someone dashing water in his face; while two or 

three others stood around gazing at him curiously。 

     〃Whewhere am I?〃 gasped the boy。 

     〃I   reckon   you're   lucky   to   be   alive;〃   laughed   the   man   who   had   been 

soaking him from a pail of water。        〃Who be ye?〃 

     〃My name is Phil Forrest。〃 

     〃How'd ye git in that car?       Stealing a ride; eh?      Reckon we'd better 

hand ye over to the town constable。           It's again the law to steal rides on 

freight trains。〃 

     〃I've not stolen a ride。    It's no such thing;〃 protested Phil indignantly。 

     〃Ho;    ho;  that's  a  rich  one!   Paid    yer  fare;  hey?    Riding     like  a 

gentleman in a side…door Pullman。          Good; ain't it; fellows?〃 

     〃Friends; I assure you I am not a tramp。          Someone assaulted me and 

locked me in that car last night。        I've got money in my pocket to prove 

that I am not a tramp。〃 

    The     lad  thrust  his  hands   into  his  trousers'   pockets;   then  a  blank 

expression overspread his face。         Reaching to his vest to see if his watch 

were there; he found that that; too; was missing。 

     〃I've   been   robbed;〃    he  gasped。    〃That's    what   it  was。   Somebody 

robbed and threw me into this car last night。 See; I've got a lump on my 

head as big as a man's fist。〃 

     〃He sure has;〃 agreed one of the men。          〃Somebody must a given him 

an awful clout with a club。〃 

     〃What town is this; please?〃 

     〃Mexico; Missouri。〃 



     〃How far is it from St。 Joseph?〃 

     〃St。 Joseph?     Why; I reckon St。 Joe is nigh onto a hundred and fifty 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

miles from here。〃 

     Phil groaned。 

     〃A hundred and fifty miles and not a cent in my pocket! What shall I 

do?     Can I send a telegram?        Where is the station?〃 

     〃Sunday。      Station closed。〃 

     〃Sunday?      That's so。〃 

     Phil   walked     up   and   down     between     the   tracks   rather   unsteadily; 

curiously   observed   by   the   villagers。     They   had   heard   his   groans   in   the 

freight car on the siding as they passed; and had quickly liberated the lad。 

     〃Do you think I could borrow enough money somewhere here to get 

me to St。 Joseph?       I would send it back by return mail。〃 

     The men laughed long and loud。 

     〃What   are   you   in   such   a   hurry  to   get   to   St。   Joe   for?〃   demanded   the 

spokesman of the party。 

     〃Because I want to get back to the circus。〃 

     〃Circus?〃 they exclaimed in chorus。 

     〃Yes。    I   belong   with   the   Sparling   bined   Shows。       I   was   on   my 

way to my train; in the railroad yards; when I was knocked out and thrown 

into that car。〃 

     〃You with a circus?〃        The men regarded him in a new light。 

     〃Yes; why not?〃 

     This caused them to laugh。          Plainly they did not believe him。 Nor did 

Phil care much whether they did or not。 

     〃What time is it?〃 he asked。 

     〃Church time。〃 

     He knew that; for he could hear the bells ringing off in the village to 

the east of them。 

     〃I'll tell you   what; sirs;   I have   got to have some breakfast。  If any  of 

you will be good enough to give me a meal I shall be glad to do whatever 

you may wish to pay for it。         Then; if I cannot find the telegraph operator; 

I shall have to stay over until I do。〃 

     〃What do you want the telegraph man for?〃 

     〃I want to wire the show for some money to get back with。 I've got to 

be there tomorrow; in time for the show。            I must do it; if I have to run all 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

the way。〃 

     The men were impressed by his story in spite of themselves; yet they 

were loath to believe that this slender lad; much the worse for wear; could 

belong to the organization he had named。 

     〃What do you do in the show?〃 

     〃I perform on the flying rings; ride the elephant and ride bareback in 

the ring。    What about it?      Will one of you put me up?〃 

     The villagers   consulted for  a  moment; then   the spokesman   turned to 


     〃I reckon; if you be a circus feller; you kin show us some tricks; eh?〃 

     〃Perform for you; you mean?〃 


     〃Well; I don't usually do anything like that on Sunday;〃 answered the 

Circus Boy reflectively。 

     〃Eat on Sunday; don't you?〃 

     〃When I get a chance;〃 Phil grinned。           〃I guess your argument wins。 

I've got to eat and I have offered to earn my meal。           What do you want me 

to do?〃 

     〃Kin you do a flip?〃 

    Phil threw himself into a succession of cartwheels along the edge of 

the railroad tracks; ending in a backward somersault。 

     〃And you ride a hoss without any saddle; standing up on his backyou 

do that; too?〃 

     〃Why; yes;〃 laughed Phil; his face red from his exertion。 

     〃Then; e along。        e on; fellers!〃 

    Phil thought; of course; that he was being taken to the man's home just 

outside the village; where he would get his breakfast。 He was considerably 

surprised; therefore; when the men passed the house that his acquaintance 

pointed   out   as   belonging   to   himself;   and   took   their   way   on   toward   a 

collection of farm buildings some distance further up the road。 

     〃I wonder what they are going to do now?〃 marveled Phil。 〃This surely 

doesn't    look   much     like  breakfast    ing    my    way;   and   I'm   almost 


     The leader of the party let down the bars of the farmyard; conducting 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

his guests around behind a large hay barn; into an enclosed space; in the 

center of which stood a straw stack; the stack and yard being surrounded 

by barns and sheds。 

     〃Where   are   you   fellows   taking   me?     Going   to   put   me   in   the   stable 

with the live stock?〃 questioned Phil; laughingly。 

     〃You want some breakfast; eh?〃 

     〃Certainly I do; but I'm afraid I can't eat hay。〃 

     The men laughed uproariously at this bit of humor。 

     〃Must be a clown;〃 suggested one。 

     〃No; I am not a clown。          My little friend who performs with me; and 

es from the same town I do; is one。              I wish he were here。 He would 

make      you    laugh    until  you    couldn't    stand    without    leaning    against 


     〃Here;   Joe!    Here;   Joe!〃   their   guide   began   calling   in   a   loud   voice; 

alternating with loud whistling。 

     Phil heard a rustling over behind the straw stack; and then out trotted a 

big;   black   draft   horse;   a   heavy…footed;   broad…backed   Percheron;   to   his 


     〃My;   that's   a   fine   piece   of   horse   flesh;〃   glowed   the   lad。   〃We   have 

several   teams   of   those   fellows   for   the   heavy   work   with   the   show。  Of 

course we don't use them in the ring。           Is this
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