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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第38部分

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berths。    Can you walk?〃 

     〃Oh; yes。〃 

     〃How about you; Tucker;〃 

     〃I can creep all right。    I learned to do that when I was in long pants。〃 

     〃I guess you mean long dresses;〃 answered the showman。 

     〃I guess I do。〃 

    The boys were helped to the sleeper; where they were put to bed。 Phil 

had been slightly burned on one hand while Teddy got what he called 〃a 

free   hair   cut;〃  meaning     that  his  hair   had   been   pretty   well   singed。 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

Otherwise   they   were   none   the   worse   for   their   experiences;   save   for   the 

slight cuts Phil had received by ing in contact with broken glass and 

some burns from the coffee boiler。 

     They   were   quite   ready   to   go   to   sleep   soon   after   being   put   to   bed; 

neither awakening until they reached the next show town on the following 


     When   the  two   lads pulled   themselves   up   in   their  berths   the  sun   was 

well up; orders having been given not to disturb them。 

     〃Almost seven o'clock; Teddy;〃 cried Phil。 

     〃Don't care if it's seventeen o'clock;〃 growled Teddy。 〃Lemme sleep。〃 

     〃All right; but you will miss your breakfast。〃 

     That word 〃breakfast〃 acted almost magically on Tucker。 Instantly he 

landed in the middle of the aisle on all fours; and; straightening up; began 

groping sleepily for his clothes。 

     Phil laughed and chuckled。 

     〃How do you feel; Teddy?〃 

     〃Like   a   roast   pig being  served on   a platter in the   cook tent。  Do   you 

need a net this morning?〃 

     〃No;   I   think   not。  I'm   rather   sore   where   I   got   cut;   but   I   guess   I   am 

pretty fit otherwise。〃 

     After washing and dressing the lads set out across the fields for the lot; 

which they could see some distance to the west of the sidings; where their 

sleepers had been shifted。          Both were hungry; for it is not an easy matter 

to spoil a boy's appetite。 Railroad wrecks will not do it in every case; nor 

did they in this。 

     But;    before    the    morning     ended;     the   cook    tent   had    seen   more 

excitement than   in   many daysin   fact   more than   at   any time   so   far   that 


     The moment Phil and Teddy strolled in; each bearing the marks of the 

wreck   on   face   and   head   everybody;   except   the   Legless   Man;   stood   up。 

Three rousing cheers and a tiger for the Circus Boys; were given with a 

will;   and    then   the   lads  found     themselves     the   center   of   a  throng    of 

performers;       roustabouts      and    freaks     all   of   whom      showered       their 

congratulations on the boys for their heroism in saving other's lives at the 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

risk of their own。 

     Little Dimples was not one whit behind the others。             She praised them 

both; much to Phil's disfiture and Teddy's pleasure。 

     〃Teddy; you are a hero after all;〃 she beamed。 

     〃Me?     Me a hero?〃 he questioned; pointing to himself。 

     〃Yes; you。     I always knew you would be if you had half a chance。 Of 

course Phil had proved before that he was。〃 

     Teddy threw out his chest; thrusting both hands in his trousers pockets。 

     〃Oh; I don't know。      It wasn't so much。      How'd you get out?〃 

     〃Your friend; Phil; here; is responsible for my not being in the freak 

class   this   morning。   There's   Mr。   Sparling   beckoning   to   you。   I   think   he 

wants you both。〃 

     The boys walked over as soon as they could get away from the others。 

That morning they sat at the executive table with the owner of the show; 

his wife and the members of Mr。 Sparling's staff。 

    For once Teddy went through a meal with great dignity; as befitted one 

who was in the hero class。 

     〃What happened to cause the wreck last night?〃 asked Phil; turning to 

his host of the morning at the first opportunity。 

     〃The car went off over a blind switch that had been opened。〃 

     〃By whom?〃 

     〃Ah; that's the question。〃 

     〃Perhaps   one   of   the   railroad   men   opened   it   by   mistake;〃   suggested 

Teddy。     〃Nobody else would have a key。〃 

     〃You'll find no railroad man made that blunder;〃 replied Phil。 

     〃No!     While   the   railroad   is   responsible   for   the   damages;   I   hardly 

think they are for the wreck。       No key was used to open the switch。〃 

     〃No key?〃 


     〃How; then?〃 

     〃The lock was wrenched off with an iron bar and the switch wedged 

fast; so there could be no doubt about what would happen。 It might have 

happened to some other car not belonging to us; though it was a pretty safe 

gamble that it would catch one of ours。〃 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

     〃I thought as much;〃 nodded Phil。           〃But perhaps its just as well。〃 

     〃What do you mean by that?〃 questioned the showman sharply。 

     〃That the railroad folks will do what the police are too lazy to do。〃 


     〃Get after the fellow who did it;〃 suggested Phil wisely。 

     〃That's   so!    That's   so!   I   hadn't   thought   of   it   in   that   light   before。 

You've got a long head; my boy。           You always have had; for that matter as 

long as I have known you; so it stands to reason that you must always have 

been that way。〃 

     Teddy; having finished his breakfast; excused himself and strolled off 

to another part of the tent where he might find more excitement。                   He sat 

down in his own place near the freak table and began talking shop with 

some     of  the   performers;    while    Phil  and   Mr。   Sparling    continued    their 


     〃I haven't given up hopes of catching him myself; Mr。 Sparling。〃 

     〃You came pretty close to it Saturday night。〃 

     〃And I wasn't so far from it last night either;〃 laughed the boy。 〃Going 

to be able to save the acmodation car?〃 

     〃No; it's a hopeless wreck。〃 

     〃You probably will not put on another this season then?〃 

     〃What would you suggest?〃 

     〃I   should   not   think   it   would   be   advisable。 Most   of   the   people   go 

downtown; anyway; to get their lunch after the show。〃 

     〃Exactly。     That's the way it appeared to me; but I wanted to get your 

point of view。〃      It was not that the owner had not made up his mind; but 

that he wanted to get Phil Forrest's mind working from the point of view 

of the manager and owner of a circus; seeing in Phil; as he did; the making 

of a future great showman。 

     All at once their conversation was disturbed by a great uproar at the 

further end of the tent; near where Teddy sat。 

     Two     midgets;    arguing   the   question    as  to  which    of  them    was   the 

Smallest     Man     in  the  World;    had   bee     so  heated    that  they   fell  to 

pummeling each other with their tiny fists。 

     Instantly the tent was in confusion; and with one accord the performers 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

and freaks gathered around to watch the miniature battle。 

     A  waiter   in   his   excitement;   stepped   in   a   woodchuck   hole;   spilling   a 

bowl of steaming hot soup down the Fat Woman's neck。 

     〃Help!      Help!     I'm on fire!〃 she shrieked。 

     Teddy; now that he had bee a hero; felt called upon to hurry to the 

rescue。     Seizing     a  pitcher   of 
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