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the circus boys across the continent(穿越大陆的马戏团男孩)-第8部分

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just enough to slacken his speed。          Instantly he threw himself around the 

center pole; twisting the rope around and around it; each twist slackening 

his upward flight a  little。 He knew  that; were his head to strike the iron 

ring in the dome at the speed he was traveling; he would undoubtedly be 

killed。 It was as much to prevent this as to save the tent that Phil took the 

action   he   did;   though   his   one   real   thought   was   to   save   his   employer's 


     Now the rapid upward shoot had dwindled to a slow; gradual slipping 

of the rope as it moved up the center pole inch by inch。 But Phil's peril 

was   even greater  than   before。     The   moment   that   heavy  iron   ring   began 

pressing down   on   his   head   and   shoulders   with the   weight   of   the   canvas 

behind it; there would be nothing for him to do but to let go。 

     A forty…foot fall to the hard   ground below seemed inevitable。 Yet   he 

did not lose his presence of mind for an instant。 

     〃Give him a hand!〃 yelled the boss canvasman。 

     〃How?      How?〃 shouted the canvasmen。            〃We can't reach him。〃 

     〃Get a net under that boy;  you blockheads!〃 thundered Mr。 Sparling; 

rushing over from his station。        〃Don't you see he's bound to fall; and if he 

does he'll break his neck?〃 

     The    boss   canvasman     ordered   three   of  his  men   to  get  the  trapeze 

performers' big net that lay in a heap near the ring nearest the dressing tent; 

for there were two rings now in the Great Sparling bined Shows。 

     They    dragged    it  over   as  quickly   as  possible;   then   willing   hands 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

grabbed it   and   stretched the heavy  net   out。        At   Mr。  Sparling's   direction 

the four corners of the net were manned and the safety device raised from 

the ground; ready to catch the lad should he fall。 

     〃Now let go and drop!〃 roared Mr。 Sparling。 

     They heard Phil laugh from his lofty perch。 

     〃Jump; I say!〃 

     〃What; and let the tent down on you all?〃 

     By this time the lad had curled his feet up over his head; and they saw 

that he was bracing his feet against the iron ring; literally holding the tent 

up with his own powerful muscles。 Of course; as a matter of fact; Phil was 

holding a very small part of the weight of the tent; but as it was; the strain 

was terrific。 

     Hanging head   down;   his   face   flushed   until   it seemed   as   if   the   blood 

must burst through the skin; he hung there as calmly as if he were not in 

imminent peril of his life。        Then; too; there was the danger to those below 

him。     If the tent should collapse some of them would be killed; for there 

were now few quarter poles in place to break the fall of the heavy canvas。 

     〃I say; down there!〃 he cried; finally managing to make himself heard 

above the uproar。 

     〃Are you going to drop?〃 shouted Mr。 Sparling。 

     〃No; do you want me to let the tent drop on you?                If you'll all get out 

there'll be fewer hurt in case I have to let go。〃 

     〃That boy!〃 groaned the showman。 

     〃Toss me a line and be quick about it;〃 called Phil shrilly。 

     〃What   can   you   do   with   a   line?〃   demanded   the   showman;   now   more 

excited than he had ever been in his life。 

     〃Toss it!〃 

     〃Give him a line!〃 

     〃A strong one;〃 warned Phil; his voice not nearly as far reaching as it 

had been。 

     〃A  line!〃   bellowed   Mr。   Sparling。      〃He   knows   what   he   wants   it   for; 

and he's got more sense than the whole bunch of us。〃 

     A coil of rope shot up。       But it missed Phil by about six feet。 

     Another one was forthing almost instantly。                 This time; however; 


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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

Mr。 Sparling snatched it from the hands of the showman who had made 

the wild cast。 

     〃Idiot!〃 he roared; pushing the man aside。 

     Once   more   the   coil   sailed   up;   unrolling   as   it   went。 This   time   Phil 

grasped it with his free hand; which he had liberated for the purpose。 

     〃Now;   be   careful;〃   warned   Mr。   Sparling。       〃I   don't   know   what   you 

think you're going to do; but whatever you start you're sure to finish。〃 

     To this Phil made no reply。         He was getting too weak to talk; and his 

tired body trembled。 

     In the end of the key rope a big loop had been formed; this after the 

tent was up; was slipped over a cleat to prevent a possibility of the rope 

slipping its fastenings and letting the tent down。 

     Phil had discovered the loop when it finally slipped up so his one hand 

was pressed against the knot。 

     Every second the weight on his feeton his whole body; in fact; was 

getting heavier。 

     〃If I can hold on a minute longer; I'll make it!〃 he muttered; his breath 

ing in short; quick gasps。 

     What he was seeking to do was to get the rope they had tossed to him; 

through   the   big   loop。   In   his   effort   to   do   so;   the   coil   slipped   from   his 

hands; knocking a canvasman down as it fell; but the lad had held to the 

other end with a desperate grip。 

     Now   he   began   working   it   through   the   loop   inch   by   inch。  It   was   a 

slow process; but he was succeeding even better than he had hoped。 

     Mr。 Sparling now saw what Phil's purpose was。                About the same time 

the others down there made the same discovery。 

     They set up a cheer of approval。 

     〃Wait!〃 manded the owner of the show。                 〃The lad isn't out of the 

woods yet。      You men on the net look lively there。            If you don't catch him 

should he fall; you take my word for it; it'll go mighty hard with you。〃 

     〃We'll catch him。〃 

     〃You'd better; if you know what's good for you。                Goodness; but he's 

got the strength and the grit!        I never saw anything like it in all my circus 



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        The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark) 

     They could not help him。          There was no way by which any of them 

could reach   Phil;  and all   they  could do   was   to stand   by  and do the   best 

they could at breaking his fall should he be forced to let go; as it seemed 

that he must do soon。 

     Nearer and nearer crept the line toward the ground; but it was yet far 

above     their  heads。    It  was   moving     faster;  however;     as  Phil  got   more 

weight of rope through the loop; thus requiring less effort on his part to 

send it along on its journey。 

     〃Side pole!     Side pole!〃 shouted the boy; barely making himself heard 

above the shouts below。 

     At first they did not catch the meaning of his words。 Mr。 Sparling; of 

course; was the first to do so。 

     〃That's it!    Oh; you idiots!      You wooden Indians!          You thick heads! 

Get a side pole; don't you understand?〃 and the owner made a dive at the 

nearest   man   to   him;  whereat   the   fellow quickly  side…stepped   and   started 

off on a run for the pole for which Phil had asked。 But; even then; some of 

the hands did not understand what he could want of a side pole。 

     The instant it was brought Mr。 Sparling snatched it from the hands of 

the tentman。      Raising  the pole;  assisted by  the boss   canvasman; he   was 

able to reach the loop。        The iron spike in the end of the pole was thrust 

through the loop; and by exerting considerable pressure they were able to 

force the loop slowly toward the ground。 

     〃You'll    have   to  hurr
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