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the notebook-恋恋笔记本(英文版)-第22部分

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〃It's good to talk to you。 I find that I miss it; even when it hasn't been that long。〃 I am sincere and she knows this; but she is still wary。 I am a stranger。

〃Is this something we do often?〃 she asks。 〃Do we sit here and watch the birds a lot? I mean; do we know each other well?〃

〃Yes and no。 I think everyone has secrets; but we have been acquainted for years。〃

She looks to her hands; then mine。 She thinks about this for a moment; her face at such an angle that she looks young again。 We do not wear our rings。 Again; there is a reason for this。 She asks: 〃Were you ever married?〃

I nod。 〃Yes。〃

〃What was she like?〃

I tell the truth。 〃She was my dream。 She made me who I am; and holding her in my arms was more natural to me than my own heartbeat。 I think about her all the time。 Even now; when I'm sitting here; I think about her。 There could never have been another。〃

She takes this in。 I don't know how she feels about this。 Finally she speaks softly; her voice angelic; sensual。 I wonder if she knows I think these things。 〃Is she dead?〃

〃My wife is alive in my heart。 And she always will be;〃 I answer。

〃You still love her; don't you?〃

〃Of course。 But I love many things。 I love to sit here with you。 I love to watch the osprey swoop towards the creek and find its dinner。 I love to share the beauty of this place with someone I care about。〃

She is quiet for a moment。 She looks away so I can't see her face。 It has been her habit for years。 〃Why are you doing this?〃 No fear; just curiosity。 This is good。 I know what she means; but I ask anyway。


〃Why are you spending the day with me?〃

I smile。 〃I'm here because this is where I'm supposed to be。 It's not plicated。 Both you and I are enjoying ourselves。 Don't dismiss my time with you—it's not wasted。 It's what I want。 I sit here and we talk and I think to myself; “What could be better than what I am doing now?〃

She looks me in the eyes; and for a moment; just a moment; her eyes twinkle。 A slight smile forms on her lips。 〃I like being with you; but if getting me intrigued is what you're after you've succeeded。 I admit I enjoy your pany; but I know nothing about you。 I don't expect you to tell me your life story; but why are you so mysterious?〃

〃I read once that women love mysterious strangers。〃

〃See; you haven't really answered the question。 You haven't answered most of my questions。 You didn't even tell me how the story ended this morning。〃

I shrug。 We sit quietly for a while。 Finally I ask: 〃Is it true that women love mysterious strangers?〃

She thinks about this and laughs。 Then she answers as I would: 〃I think some women do。〃

〃Do you?〃

〃Now don't go putting me on the spot。 I don't know you well enough for that。〃 She is teasing me and I enjoy it。

We sit and watch the world around us。 This has taken us a lifetime to learn。 It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content。 The young; brash and impatient; must always break the silence。 It is a waste; for silence is pure。 Silence is holy。 It draws people together because only those who are fortable with each other can sit without speaking。 This is the great paradox。

Time passes; and gradually our breathing begins to coincide。 Deep breaths; relaxed breaths; and there is a moment when she dozes off; like those fortable with one another often do。 When she wakes; a miracle: 〃Do you see that bird?〃 She points to it; and I strain my eyes。 It is a wonder I can see it; but I can because the sun is bright。

〃Caspian stern;〃 I say softly; and we devote our attention to it as it glides over Brices Creek。 And; like an old habit rediscovered; when I lower my arm; I put my hand on her knee and she doesn't make me move it。

SHE IS RIGHT about my evasiveness。 On days like these; when only her memory is gone; I am vague in my answers because I've hurt my wife unintentionally with careless slips of my tongue many times these past few years; and I am determined not to let it happen again。 So I limit myself and answer only what is asked; to limit the pain。 There are days she never learns of her children or that we are married。 I am sorry for this; but I will not change。

Does this make me dishonest? Perhaps; but I have seen her crushed by the waterfall of information that is her life。 Could I look myself in the mirror without red eyes and quivering jaw and know I have forgotten all that was important to me? I could not and neither can she; for when this odyssey began; that is how I began。 Her life; her marriage; her children。 Her friends and her work。

The days were hard on both of us。 I was an encyclopedia; an object without feeling; of the whos; whats and wheres in her life; when in reality it is the whys; the things I did not know and could not answer; that make it all worth while。 She would stare at pictures of forgotten offspring; hold paintbrushes that inspired nothing; and read love letters that brought back no joy。 She would weaken over the hours; growing paler; being bitter and ending the day worse than when it began。 Our days were lost and so was she。

So I changed。 I learned what is obvious to a child。 That life is simply a collection of little lives; each lived one day at a time。 That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals。 That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered。 But most of all; I learned that life is for sitting on benches next to ancient creeks with my hand on her knee and sometimes; on good days; for falling in love。

〃WHAT ARE you thinking?〃 she asks。

It is now dusk。 We have left our bench and are shuffling along lighted paths that wind their way around this plex。 She is holding my arm and I am her escort。 It is her idea to do this。 Perhaps she is charmed by me。 Perhaps she wants to keep me from falling。 Either way; I am smiling to myself。

〃I'm thinking about you。〃

She makes no response to this except to squeeze my arm; and I can tell she likes what I said。 Our life together has enabled me to see the clues; even if she does not know them herself。 I go on: 〃I know you can't remember who you are; but I can; and I find that when I look at you it makes me feel good。〃

 She taps my arm and smiles。 〃You're a kind man with a loving heart。 I hope I enjoyed you as much before as I do now。〃

I think about this as we walk in silence; holding each other; past the rooms; past the courtyard。 We e to the garden; mainly wild flowers; and I stop her。 I pick a bundle—red; pink; yellow; violet。 I give them to her; and she brings them to her nose。 She smells them with eyes closed and she whispers; 〃They're beautiful。〃 We resume our walk; me in one hand; the flowers in another。 People watch us; for we are a walking miracle; or so I am told。 It is true in a way。

By the time we reach the doorway; I am tired。 She knows this; so she stops me with her hand and makes me face her。 I do; and I realize how hunched over I have bee。 She and I are now level。 Sometimes I am glad she doesn't know how much I have changed。 She turns to me and stares for a long time。

〃What are you doing?〃 I ask。

〃I don't want to forget you or this day; and I'm trying to keep your memory alive。〃

Will it work this time? I wonder; then know it will not。 It can't。 I do not tell her my thoughts; though。 I smile instead because her words are sweet。

〃Thank you;〃 I say。

〃I mean it。 I don't want to forget you again。 You're very special to me。 I don't know what I would have done without you today。〃

My throat closes a little。 There is emotion behind her words; the emotions I feel whenever I think of her。 I know this is why I live; and I love her dearly at this moment。 How I wish I were strong enough to carry her in my arms to paradise。

〃Don't try to say anything;〃 she tells me。 〃Let's just feel the moment。〃

And I do; and I feel heaven。

HER DISEASE is worse now than it was in the beginning; though Allie is different from most。 There are three others with the disease here; and they are the sum of my practical experience of it。 They; unlike Allie; are in the most advanced stages of Alzheimer's and are almost pletely lost。 They wake up hallucinati
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