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the notebook-恋恋笔记本(英文版)-第23部分

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st。 They wake up hallucinating and confused。 They repeat themselves over and over。 Seldom do they recognize the people who love them。 It is a trying disease; and this is why it is hard for their children and mine to visit。

Allie; of course; has her own problems。 She is terribly afraid in the mornings and cries inconsolably。 She sees tiny people; like gnomes; I think; watching her; and she screams at them to get away。 She bathes willingly but will not eat regularly。 She is thin now; much too thin in my opinion; and on good days I do my best to fatten her up。

But this is where the similarity ends。 This is why Allie is considered a miracle; because sometimes; just sometimes; after I read to her; her condition isn't so bad。 There is no explanation for this。 〃It's impossible;〃 the doctors say; 〃she cannot have Alzheimer's。〃 But she does。 On most days and every morning there can be no doubt。

But why; then; is her condition different? Why does she sometimes change after I read? I tell the doctors the reason—I know it in my heart; but I am not believed。 Four times specialists have travelled from Chapel Hill to find the answer。 Four times they have left without understanding。 I tell them; 〃You can't possibly understand it if you use only your science training and your books;〃 but they shake their heads and answer: 〃Alzheimer's does not work like this。 With her condition; it's just not possible to have a conversation or improve as the day goes on。 Ever。〃

But she does。 Not every day; not most of the time; and definitely less than she used to。 But sometimes。 And all that is gone on these days is her memory; as if she has amnesia。 Her emotions are normal; her thoughts are normal。 And these are the days that I know I am doing right。

DINNER IS WAITING in her room when we return。 It has been arranged for us to eat here; as it always is on days like these; and once again I could ask for no more。 The people here are good to me and I am thankful。

The lights are dimmed; the room is lit by two candles on the table where we will sit; and music is playing softly in the background。 The cups and plates are plastic and the carafe is filled with apple juice; but rules are rules and she doesn't seem to care。

She inhales slightly at the sight。 Her eyes are wide。 〃Did you do this?〃

I nod and she walks into the room。

〃It looks beautiful。〃

I offer my arm in escort and lead her to the window。 She doesn't release it when we get there。 Her touch is nice; and we stand close together on this crystal springtime evening。 The window is open slightly and I feel a breeze as it fans my cheek。 The moon has risen and we watch for a long time as the evening sky unfolds。

〃I've never seen anything so beautiful; I'm sure of it;〃 she says。

〃I haven't; either;〃 I say; but I am looking at her。 She knows what I mean and I see her smile。

A moment later she whispers: 〃I think I know who Allie went with at the end of the story。〃


〃She went with Noah。〃

〃You're sure?〃


I smile and nod。 〃Yes; she did;〃 I say softly; and she smiles back; her face radiant。

She sits and I sit opposite her。 She offers her hand across the table and I take it in mine; and I feel her thumb begin to move as it did so many years ago。 I stare at her for a long time; living and reliving the moments of my life; remembering it all and making it real。 I feel my throat begin to tighten and once again I realize how much I love her。

My voice is shaky when I finally speak。

〃You're so beautiful;〃 I say。 I can see in her eyes that she knows how I feel about her and what I really mean by my words。

She does not respond。 Instead she lowers her eyes and I wonder what she's thinking。 She gives me no clues and I gently squeeze her hand。 I wait。 I know her heart and I know I'm almost there。

And then a miracle that proves me right。 As Glenn Miller plays softly in a candlelit room; I watch as she gradually gives in to the feelings inside her。 I see a warm smile begin to form on her lips; the kind that makes it all worth while; and I watch as she raises her hazy eyes to mine。 She pulls my hand towards her。 〃You're wonderful。。。〃 she says softly; and at that moment she falls in love with me; too; this I know; for I have seen the signs a thousand times。

She says nothing else right away; she doesn't have to; and she gives me a look from another lifetime that makes me whole again。 I smile back; with as much passion as I can muster; and we stare at each other with the feelings inside us rolling like ocean waves。 I look about the room; then back at Allie; and the way she's looking at me makes me warm。 And suddenly I feel young again。 I'm no longer cold or aching; or hunched over or almost blind with cataracts。 I'm strong and proud and the luckiest man alive; and I keep on feeling that way for a long time。

By the time the candles have burned down a third; I am ready to break the silence。 I say; 〃I love you deeply and I hope you know that。〃

〃Of course I do;〃 she says。 〃I've always loved you; Noah。〃

Noah; I hear again。 The word echoes in my head。 Noah 。 。 。 Noah。 She knows; I think to myself; she knows who I am 。 。 。

She knows。 。 。 。 Such a tiny thing; this knowledge; but for me it is a gift from God; and I feel our lifetime together; holding her; loving her; and being with her through the best years of my life。

She murmurs; 〃Noah 。 。 。 my sweet Noah 。。。”

And I; who could not accept the doctors' words; have triumphed again; at least for a moment。 I give up the pretence of mystery; and I kiss her hand and bring it to my cheek and whisper in her ear: 〃You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me。〃

    〃Oh 。 。 。 Noah;〃 she says with tears in her eyes; 〃I love you; too。〃

IF ONLY IT would end like this; I would be a happy man。

But it won't。 Of this I'm sure; for as time slips by I begin to see the signs of concern in her face。

〃What's wrong?〃 I ask; and her answer es softly。

〃I'm so afraid。 I'm afraid of forgetting you again。 It isn't fair 。 。 。 I just can't bear to give this up。〃 Her voice breaks as she finishes; but I don't know what to say。 I know the evening is ing to an end and there is nothing I can do to stop the inevitable。 In this I am a failure。

I finally tell her: 〃I'll never leave you。 What we have is for ever。〃

She knows this is all I can do; for neither of us wants empty promises。

The crickets serenade us; and we begin to pick at our dinner。 Neither one of us is hungry; but I lead by example and she follows me。 She takes small bites and chews a long time; but I am glad to see her eat。 She has lost too much weight in the past three months。

After dinner; I bee afraid for I know the bell has tolled this evening。 The sun has long since set and the thief is about to e; and there is nothing I can do to stop it。 So I stare at her and wait and live a lifetime in these last remaining moments。

    The clock ticks。


 I take her in my arms and we hold each other。


I feel her tremble and I whisper in her ear。


I tell her for the last time this evening that I love her。

And the thief es。

It always amazes me how quickly it happens。 Even now; after all this time。 For as she holds me; she begins to blink rapidly and shake her head。 Then; turning towards the corner of the room; she stares for a long time; concern etched on her face。

No! my mind screams。 Not yet! Not now 。 。 。 not when we're so close! Not tonight! Any night but tonight。 。 。 。 Please! I can't take it again! It isn't fair 。 。 It isn't fair 。 。 。

But once again; it is to no avail。

〃Those people;〃 she finally says; pointing; 〃are staring at me。 Please make them stop。〃

The gnomes。 A pit rises in my stomach; hard and full。 My mouth goes dry and I feel my heart pounding。 It is over; I know。 This; the evening confusion that affects my wife; is the hardest part of all。 For when it es; she is gone; and sometimes I wonder whether she and I will ever love again。

〃There's no one there; Allie;〃 I say; trying to fend off the inevitable。

She doesn't believe me。 〃They're staring at me。 You can't see them?〃

〃No;〃 I say; and she thinks for a moment。

〃Well; they're right there;〃 she says; 〃an
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